Sunday, May 24, 2020
Questions to Ask in a Grad School Admissions Interview
An invitation to interview at the graduate program of your choice is an amazing opportunity to let the graduate committee get to know you - but the purpose of the grad school admissions interview is also for you to learn about the graduate program. All too often applicants forget that they too are conducting an interview. Take advantage of the opportunity an admissions interview offers you good questions that will gather the information that you need to determine if this is the right program for you. Remember that you are interviewing the graduate program - you must choose the program that is right for you. Asking good questions not only tells you what you need to know about a graduate program, but it tells the admissions committee that you are serious. Good, genuine, questions can impress admissions committees. Questions to Ask During a Graduate Admissions Interview What characteristics are specific to this program and distinguish it from competitors? (Be sure to refer to specific characteristics)Where are recent alumni employed? What do most students do after graduation?What types of financial aid are offered? What criteria are used for choosing recipients?Are there any scholarships or fellowships available? How do I apply?Are there teaching opportunities, such as teaching assistantships and adjunct positions?Do most students publish an article or present a paper before graduation?What applied experiences are included in the program (e.g., internships)? Ask for examples of internship placements.What is the relative importance of admissions test scores, undergraduate grades, recommendations, admissions essays, experience, and other requirements?Does the department prefer applicants immediately out of undergraduate programs or do they prefer applicants with work experience? If they prefer or require experience, what kind of experience are they lo oking for?How are mentoring and advising relationships established? Are advisors assigned?How long do most students take to graduate? How many years of coursework? How long do most students take to complete their dissertations?Do most students live near campus? What is it like to live in this area as a graduate student?How closely do students work with faculty? Is it common for students and faculty to publish together?How long does the average student take to complete a dissertation, roughly?How is the dissertation process structured? Are committee members assigned?
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Minimalism or Minimal Art Mid-1960s to the Present
Minimalism or Minimal Art is a form of abstraction. It focuses on the most essential and elemental aspects of an object. The art critic Barbara Rose explained in her groundbreaking article ABC Art, Art in America (October-November 1965), that this empty, repetitious, uninflected aesthetic could be found in the visual arts, dance, and music. (Merce Cunningham and John Cage would be examples in dance and music.) Minimal art aims to reduce its content to rigorous clarity. It may try to rid itself of evocative effect, but it does not always succeed. Agnes Martins faint graphite lines drawn on pale flat surfaces seem to radiate with human delicacy and humility. In a small room with low light, they can be exceptionally moving. How Long Minimalism Has Been a Movement Minimalism reached its peak during the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s, but many of its practitioners are still alive and well today. Dia Beacon, a museum of mainly Minimalist pieces, exhibits a permanent collection of the best-known artists in the movement. For example, Michael Heizers North, East, South, West (1967/2002) is permanently installed on the premises. Some artists, such as Richard Tuttle and Richard Serra, are now considered Post-Minimalists. What Are the Key Characteristics of Minimalism? Clarity and simplicity of form.No narrative.No anecdotal content or references.Emphasis on pure shapes.Often monochromatic surfaces. Best Known Minimalists: Agnes MartinDonald JuddMichael HeizerRobert MorrisRobert SerraRichard TuttleTony SmithAnn TruitRonald BladenDan FlavinSol LeWittRobert MangoldDorothea Rockburne Suggested Reading Battcock, Gregory (ed.). Minimal Art: A Critical Anthology.New York: Dutton, 1968.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Freedom in of Mice and Men - 821 Words
Theme: Freedom In Of Mice and Men, freedom is not necessarily a central point of the novel. It is a subtle theme which is constantly being mentioned or related to. You have to read between the lines in order to understand how the characters speech links to the theme. George and Lennie: Candy: Candy is immediately drawn in by the dream in Section three of the book when he overheard George and Lennie talking about it. This is probably because the thought of freedom barely every came into his head and never really seemed a reality to him. However, George is immediately protective over the topic and clearly would not have discussed it if he knew/remembered that Candy was there. We know this is true because they both jumped when they†¦show more content†¦If he was alone, he could live so easy, get a job an work, go into town and get whatever I want and could eat any place. Candy Candy is immediately drawn in by the dream in Section three of the book when he overheard George and Lennie talking about it. This is probably because the thought of freedom barely every came into his head and never really seemed a reality to him. However, George is immediately protective over the topic and clearly would not have discussed it if he knew/remembered that Candy was there. We know this is true because they both jumped when they heard him speak. Candy also has a much worse future than the others due to him only having one hand and his oldShow MoreRelatedFreedom is Never Give, It is Won in John Steinbecks Novel, Of Mice and Men571 Words  | 2 Pagesâ€Å"Freedom is never given; it is won.†- Philip Randolph. Freedom is a battle in America even though America known for the land of the free, there are those who are losing this battle. John Steinbecks novella Of Mice and Men portrays those who are discriminate against with the characters Curleys Wife and Crooks. Curleys Wife is the only woman on the ranch while Crooks is the only African-American there. Through out the book it shows how the two of them endure loneliness, discrimination and prejudiceRead MoreOf Mice and Men Argumentative Essay1115 Words  | 5 PagesEssay Prompt: John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men, has a controversial history. It has been repeatedly banned by school boards. Why might this book have been banned? Is such an action justifi ed? In a five-paragraph essay, take a position for or against banning this novel. Use your three body paragraphs to develop each of three reasons for or against banning the novel. The Lost Portion of Human Society Right from the beginning of human civilization, books had become the vital flame that ignitedRead MoreOf Mice and Men and Into the Wild Essay825 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ and Sean Penn’s ‘Into the Wild’ explore the fundamental themes of freedom, companionship and following your ambitions. (QUESTION). ‘Of Mice and Men’ is set during the Great Depression in which George and Lennie explore the realism of freedom and hardships by hoping to one day have their own farm. In contrast, Chris from ‘Into the Wild’ achieves ultimate freedom by choosing to run away and live in the wild. Both texts explore different perceptions of freedom. Steinbeck’sRead MoreMice and Men Essay1035 Words  | 5 PagesThrough a variety of literary and cinematic techniques respectively, John Steinbeck’s Of Mice And Men and Sean Penn’s Into The Wild illustrate how the fulfilment of one’s life, and their pursuit of happiness, hinge upon friendship, dreams, and one’s attitude towards life and happiness in general. Steinbeck’s 1937 novella Of Mice And Men illustrates the importance of friendship and dreams in a context of hardship and economic downturn. This is done by using George and Lennie and their dream of landownershipRead MoreJohn Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men993 Words  | 4 Pagesa classic is its ability to stand the test of time. This is true for John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, which tells the story of two men, practically brothers, and one has to meet a tragic end at the hand of the other. Criminal Minds is a hit television series that often broadcasts a specific message, just like it did in the episode To Hell...and Back. The similarities between John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men and the Criminal Minds episode To Hell...and Back are shown through the elements of characterRead MoreIn Dubious Battle Essay1068 Words  | 5 Pagesworkers face this tyranny as well. This relentless dictatorship causes men to live in fear for their own lives. Men struggle to abide by these strict and inhumane rulings. In most scenarios, man recognizes that there is no easy way out. Consequentially, a rebellion remains to be the only option. Since before Christ, men have rebelled against people, wars, and ideas. John Steinbeck, author of In Dubious Battle and Of Mice and Men, conveys fictional stories of characters in the 1900s that have facedRead MoreThe American Dream in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck710 Words  | 3 Pagespast couple of years, many individuals still strive to achieve it. Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men illustrates this American Dream of the 1930’s, which is looked upon as impossible through the failure of George and Lennie’s achievement. â€Å"The story Of Mice and Men and the American Dream is known to be somewhat different; it can define the independence and self-sufficiency for an individual and also the freedom that one person gets that comes from owning a land†(Johnson 140). The dream is still presentRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1265 Words  | 6 PagesWhat stands in the way of women being equal to men? Journalist Carlin Flora suggests the following, â€Å"While not all claims to humanity are universal and no one context, culture or continent can truly represent all peoples, the following three examples from very different contexts, cultures and continents show that some violations of women’s human rights are universal. In particular, it is still the case the world over that a woman’s reproductive rights, which impact on her right to life, are stillRead MoreThe American Dream A Raisin Through The Sun, Of Mice And Men, And I Have A Dream887 Words  | 4 Pagesevent because it was the first laws of agreement established after the pilgrims came to America. It was the first form of self-governing and freedom for America†(Internet). In July 4, 1776 the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson declaring freedoms from the Great Britain. The purpose of the Bill of Rights is to provide specific freedoms to citizens and limiting the government’s power. During 1929- 1939 The Great Depression occurred many people lost their jobs and become homelessRead MoreOf Mice and Men and American Dream863 Words  | 4 PagesHopes and dreams are important in ‘Of Mice and Men.’ Not is it important to the characters of the story itself, it is the theme of the novel. In this essay I will talk about the hopes and dreams of the main ensemble and also about the conte xt of the novel, the American Dream and the Great Depression on the 1930’s. I will also talk about the poem Steinbeck based the book’s title off and how important it is to the book’s overall theme. The dream of attaining land and – ultimately – happiness is
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Discrimination Everywhere! Essay Example For Students
Discrimination Everywhere! Essay DiscriminationEverywhere!Discrimination can be confused with other terms such as prejudice and stereotype. It is important to differentiate between the three terms so that we better understand what we deal with in society. Stereotypes are images held in our minds in regards to certain racial or cultural groups, without consideration of whether the images held are true or false. Stemming from stereotypes is prejudice. The prejudicial attitude occurs when we prejudge a person, good or bad, on the basis that the stereotypes associated with the person/group being prejudged are true. Discrimination is the combination of the terms mentioned above, but involves actually acting out with unfair treatment, directing the action towards the person/group. Prejudice and discrimination do not just occur racially, but it is found among gender, religion, culture, and geographical background. Remember that prejudice is a result of attitude and discrimination is a result of action. At one point in our lives, we have all experienced a type of discrimination. It happens to everyone, even if they happen to be the dominating group of their society. By dominating, I am referring to the stereotype that white, rich men dominate the society. Is it false, or true? I, myself, have experienced discrimination. One example is the wonderful experience of buying a car. It is tough enough to get up the courage to deal with the salesmen at the dealership, but even harder when you are a young female. Most salesmen I came in contact with were under the assumption that I was nave and did not understand the process of buying a car. Four out of the five salesmen I conversed with showed me the vanity mirrors as soon as the car was opened. The safety lights, construction of the interior for safety, or simply the power of the vehicle were not discussed unless I asked. When I asked to look under the hood or had any power train questions, the look of shock on their faces was quite amusin g. Before going to the dealerships, I researched the vehicle I was interested in and asked them questions I already knew. And none of the questions I asked pertained to the location of the vanity mirror or cell phone connection. In addition to the lame assumptions made about my interests in the vehicle, I was also given a new salesman who knew very little about the car being sold. The managers thought that I would be an easy sale and there was no need to waste their sharks on a young female like me. Once presented with the financial obligations of the vehicle, my knowledge on the subject was yet another shock. I knew if I was paying too much, and understand that drawing out the payment term was not saving me money. Their tricks were not going to work on this young female. Each time I argued with the salesman regarding the payment plan, a manager was brought in to try and sooth things over. Basically, he was brought in to reword what the current salesman was proposing to make me feel like I did not know what I was talking about. Sneaky yes, rude yes! The salesman I bought a car from was the gentleman who showed me the outside of the car, the engine, safety features both in and out, and THEN proceeded to show me the amenities the car offered. Not once did he bring the manager over until I was ready to sign the papers. Treating me like an average human instead of an idiotic girl worked for me, even if I did pay a little more for my vehicle of choice. Reducing the amount of discrimination is possible, but not without a hard fight. It will always be there. Many times the person discriminating against another will not realize what they are doing because they have been brought up to believe certain ideas about certain groups of people. To them, it is a way of life. To the person being discriminated against, it makes their way of life harder. You cannot tell someone what to believe or feel, but you can help them to see what is considered wrong or right among a majority of the society. And being that a majority will always overrule a minority, it holds a promising future. Being open to new ideas and experiences will help us to broaden our views of other groups of people. Unless we experience what others do, we will never truly understand who people are. It is hard not to judge people before we know them. We do not wear who we are on our clothes. This society is fast paced and seems to have little time for anything outside the normal ro utine. Laziness has caused the feelings of others to be hurt, and discrimination to continue. Follow yourself and not what others tell you to believe. Take one second out of your day to say Hi to someone different than you. That one second could make that persons world change forever, and yours!
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