Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Freedom in of Mice and Men - 821 Words
Theme: Freedom In Of Mice and Men, freedom is not necessarily a central point of the novel. It is a subtle theme which is constantly being mentioned or related to. You have to read between the lines in order to understand how the characters speech links to the theme. George and Lennie: Candy: Candy is immediately drawn in by the dream in Section three of the book when he overheard George and Lennie talking about it. This is probably because the thought of freedom barely every came into his head and never really seemed a reality to him. However, George is immediately protective over the topic and clearly would not have discussed it if he knew/remembered that Candy was there. We know this is true because they both jumped when they†¦show more content†¦If he was alone, he could live so easy, get a job an work, go into town and get whatever I want and could eat any place. Candy Candy is immediately drawn in by the dream in Section three of the book when he overheard George and Lennie talking about it. This is probably because the thought of freedom barely every came into his head and never really seemed a reality to him. However, George is immediately protective over the topic and clearly would not have discussed it if he knew/remembered that Candy was there. We know this is true because they both jumped when they heard him speak. Candy also has a much worse future than the others due to him only having one hand and his oldShow MoreRelatedFreedom is Never Give, It is Won in John Steinbecks Novel, Of Mice and Men571 Words  | 2 Pagesâ€Å"Freedom is never given; it is won.†- Philip Randolph. Freedom is a battle in America even though America known for the land of the free, there are those who are losing this battle. John Steinbecks novella Of Mice and Men portrays those who are discriminate against with the characters Curleys Wife and Crooks. 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